Keeping the Rigor of Training During Travel

The biggest disruption of travel is not just new places or jetlag. It is the difficulty of keeping the rigor of training intact. CrossFit teaches you to do the training as prescribed but that assumes you actually show up at training time. During travel schedules get more flexible, especially on vacation.

One of the SealFit disciplines is mental training. Part of that is being clear on what results you want, what you are willing to do for them and how you will reduce distractions, whether from the outside or your own head. Then commit to that plan.
It helps to write out the routine in advance and that’s what I do.

My normal routine has morning SealFit mental training, lunchtime fasted workouts (stamina, strength, durability) in the corporate gym or local box and fed evening workouts (work capacity or endurance). Since I practice intermittent fasting (IF), I typically gain 2 hours in the morning (breakfast time and lunchtime) that others may not have. I typically eat my breakfast around 1pm. The key rule is that you must do strength / stamina training in a fasted state and metcon/endurance in a fed state. Otherwise you are not really doing Intermittent Fasting, but just skipping breakfast.

When in Europe or Asia, the time zones shift but the routine should not. On business trips, I found that having the discipline to have the morning routine done before the first meetings sets me up well. I cannot count on lunchtime WODs on travels but almost certainly can do a late night endurance or Metcon WOD. If I have to shorten anything, I reduce endurance but keep the other 4 components. And when on vacation my normal schedule applies.

Baseline [SFIT]
3 rounds – 50x double unders, 10x air squats, 10x good mornings (45#).
Strength [SFIT]
Deadlift – 75% x 5 reps, 80% x 5 reps, 85% x 5+ reps  @ 400lb 1RM
Stamina [SFIT]
Chipper, not timed: 30x deadlift @ 175#, + 60x goblet squats – 53#, + 800m front rack sandbag carry – 80#
Work Capacity [RXTW]
3 rounds for time
– 20 KB swings 50# + 1 mile hill run
Durability [SFIT]
100x 4-count flutter kicks, 100x good morning darlings


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