Travel Training for Real

My next wave of travel is coming up between vacations and work trips. This time around it will be many locations without any CF boxes. (Not even ESPN access to watch the Crossfit Games, but I digress).
One of the advantages of the CrossFit popularity is that there is plenty of WOD-aware advice on what gyms cater to barbell droppers and guys and gals who sprint from station to station. With a barbell. Without a T-shirt. Drenched.
Travel sites from Tripadvisor through Flyertalk have members with good insights and many countries have services that either rate or promote 1-day gym memberships (like Pay-As-U-Gym in the UK). CrossFit has not penetrated the suburbs of London especially around Heathrow…

The other challenge with travel is doing SealFit training in a CrossFit box. Most boxes do not allow for open gym time and the traditional Box programming will be missing 3-4 elements of your SealFit training, like stamina, endurance and durability most likely.
If your friendly box owner is unyielding to letting you round out your WOD with these elements then you can schedule a second WOD in any globo gym and hope that the stamina section does not require heavy bumper plates, as they won’t have it.

Today’s SealFit WOD

Row 500m, 30x strict press – 45#, Row 500m, 15x clapping push ups
Strict press, 75% x 5 reps, 80% x 5 reps, 85% x 5+ reps.
5 rounds
– 10x strict press @ 95#, + 15x ring rows, + 50x step ups
Work Capacity:
20 minutes AMRAP
– Row 500m + Max unbroken push ups
[6 rounds – 3000m row and 287 pushups]
6 x 200m sprints (1:1 work to rest)
3 rounds
– 20x Weighted sit ups – 45#
– 10x good morning – 95#

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