Recently a friend switched to a box where they always do double WODs. A benchmark WOD then 15 min AMRAP. Heavy lifting with hard MetCons. You get the idea.
There are constant arguments for and (mostly) against doubling up max intensity workouts without proper planning. I experimented over the years with various programming of this and here are my conclusions.
– it is not possible to PR two max effort workouts back to back. Sort of makes sense as a rested second WOD would beat a tired one.
– if you want to double up two WODs – leave a few hours in-between. This is moat common and used in competitor training.
– Schedule heavy lifting days (5/3/1, SL or 5×5) on their own without high intensity Metcons. Same logic here: one of them will suffer as heavy lifting recovery is longer than a few hours
– CF Endurance and metcons do well on the same day as sprinting recovery is much faster than heavy lifting recovery
Bottom line: intensity amd recovery is a well studied field and we CrossFitters should heed the wisdom of old.
With that in mind I’m off to programming my Summer Double WOD season..
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