We found a perfect gym for our daily routine in Southern Hungary. They have everything from rowers, barbells, pull-up bars and plenty of running space around.
We also discovered the largest tree and hedge labyrinth in Europe – or another 3K walk to add to the WOD.
Run 3,000 meters
then 3 rounds – 10x air squats, 20x push ups, 30x mountain climbers.
Deadlift – 80% x 3 reps, 85% x 3 reps, 90% x 3+ reps
5 rounds, not timed: 10x deadlift @ 185#
20x barbell jump squats (45#)
max time handstand hold
Work Capacity:
Complete 21-15-9 reps of:
– Burpee toes to bar, Barbell thruster (95#/65#), Run 400m between each couplet
3,200m recovery run.
3 rounds
– 20x slashers,
– 10x back extensions