Those big words simply mean that there may be a need to an overarching programming scheme, schedule and periodization to develop certain physical skills.
This is quite an old idea, even in CrossFit circles.
Whether it is Burgener’s, Wendler’s or Catalyst’s lifting program, you will develop oly and power weightlifting skills and strength through a period of 8-16 week sessions. Burgener has a 12-week cycle, Wendler’s is a 3+1 week block and Catalyst has many varieties based on the goal of the athlete.
The same applies for CrossFit Endurance and it’s periodization and in-week cycles from long, short and time trial days.
I think Stamina is the most interesting because that is almost the overarching program above all. In order to really improve in this physical skill and advance the efficiency of our energy delivery systems to our muscles – we have to do a lot of work.
Rich Froning accomplishes this by training 6-8 hours a day. SealFit programs 5 workout types in a 60-120 minute load per day. Many athletes do double or triple WODs. However you get serious stamina – you have to do many times more than the usual 10-15 minute WOD in the local box.
The Mental Game
These high workloads require us to keep our head in the game so we can complete the volume in a normal workday (except for full time athletes). For that a great mental preparation regime is necessary. SealFit’s Unbeatable Mind is one such program and most competitive lifting or endurance trainers have their version of mental preparation, visualization and routine. I remember in long distance races, half the battle was mental and visualization helped you through the “wall” of fatigue.
Baseline [RXTW]
2 rounds
– Row 250m,
– 20x ball slams
– 5x KB deadlifts
Work Capacity [SealFit]
“Lumberjack 20”. Complete the following for time:
– 20x deadlift (205#)
– Run 400m
– 20x KB swings (53#)
– Run 400m
– 20x overhead squats (75#)
– Run 400m
– 20x burpees
– Run 400m
– 20x chest to bar pull ups
– Run 400m
– 20x box jumps (24in)
– Run 400m
– 20x DB squat cleans (25#)
– Run 400m
Strength: [Burgener]
– 3-position Snatch 5-3-2-1-1-1
Stamina: [RXTW]
4 rounds, not timed:
10x overhead squats
5x muscle ups
5x pistols each leg
SealFit Yoga