Sleep Deprivation Powered WOD

Of course there are days like this despite the convincing argument by T.S. Wiley for minimum 9-hours of sleep in Lights Out. Well, that doesn’t happen much… Last night work and my daughter’s homework piled up so I was down to 3 hours. I could rationalize it as Paleo, thinking of eskimos sleeping in the nightless summer of the north…

Nonetheless the WODs continue. This time around it was with my 8-year old daughter doing a variation of the bear complex jump.

10 times one minute on the minute:
– 1 squat clean – 115lbs and in the remaining time:
– AMRAP box jumps
SCORE: 160 jumps
(8-year old did 121 in 5 rounds on 12″ box with 5 lb dumbbells)

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