Travel and Injury Prevention

Cattle cars exist for efficiency of transportation and not for the convenience of the cattle. Yes, I am talking about airline seats especially on transcontinental flights. After sitting in airline seats for 6-12 hours a day the workout the next day always results in minor injuries. I finally recognized the pattern. Kettlebell swings, deadlifts, squats and rowing should not be done after long trips before proper back mobility exercises. After the flight yesterday, today I had to bail on a high volume deadlift/front squat/press combo.

Of the many great suggestions I found on the topic of travel and back pain here are the most useful tips:

  1. On planes and in cars always put a pillow behind back for lumbar support
  2. Do lower back and hip flexor mobility routines after getting home and the following morning
  3. Your next day warmup before the WOD must include back/leg mobility exercises

WOD Attempt
10 rounds. 1 minute per round. 1 min rest between rounds:
– 12 deadlifts
– 9 front squats
– AMRAP push presses
(115 lbs as prescribed) – Failed due to back pain

10 rounds. 1 minute per round. 1 min rest between rounds:
– 12 pullups
– 9 situps
– AMRAP squats
SCORE: 137

As many rounds as possible in 5 minutes:
– 10 double unders
– 10 pushups
SCORE: 7 rounds

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