Resting up for Durability

One of the key pillars of SealFit’s definition of physical standards is durability. It is a combination of mobility, flexibility and core strength that enables us to keep going.
On rest days light endurance (run) or a durability routine is the way to active recovery.
The five SF physical pillars provide a great framework for a complete week’s schedule.
Strength and Work Capacity (MetCon) is programmed daily by most CF boxes while stamina, endurance and durability are much rarer. Also, SealFit calls its structured warmup ‘Baseline’ which is typically a short Metcon not for time.

Baseline  – structured warmup, short MetCon (not timed)
Strength  – olympic and power lifts
Stamina – high repetition resistance movements, weighted or bodyweight
Work Capacity – classic CF MetCon – maximum work performed for time
Endurance – long slow distance run, row, bike, swim
Durability – mobility, flexibility and core strength

MONDAY             Baseline, Strength, Stamina, Work Capacity, Endurance, Durability
TUESDAY            Baseline, Strength, Stamina, Work Capacity, Endurance, Durability
WEDNESDAY    Baseline, Strength, Stamina, Work Capacity, Endurance, Durability
THURSDAY        RECOVERY: Durability and optional Endurance
FRIDAY                Baseline, Strength, Stamina, Work Capacity, Endurance, Durability
SATURDAY         Baseline, Strength, Stamina, Work Capacity, Endurance, Durability
SUNDAY               RECOVERY: Durability and optional Endurance


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