Memorial Day Stretch

A perfect May weekend for Memorial Day and the local parks were packed with runners, bikers and hikers. While some believe you need to have mud for any proper adventure run, I firmly believe any grade over 10% provides the necessary adventure…
A fun triplet of a holiday workout today with endurance, conditioning and strength in a cool pack. I found CrossFit Chiang Mai’s site in Thailand as they are the second affiliate after Steve’s Club to create their own paleo food pack. Others, like CrossFit UTC even have their own Paleo Cafes… I may have to visit to get a sample.

– Stringing Muscle Ups
21 rounds of Long Tabata hill runs:
– 2 minute sprint
– 1 minute rest
Burpee Challenge by CrossFit Chiang Mai Thailand
– wall balls 20 lbs
– burpees
– kettle bells 40 lbs
Wendler Shoulder Press (100+)

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