12 Days of Xmas – Day 4: “Vivien”

My 8-year old daughter and fellow Crossfitter decided to help me design today’s WOD. We created two packs of cards with common CF movements and time/rep combinations (like AMRAP, 21-15-9, etc). She pulled 4 cards for a four-exercise combo: pull-ups, pushups, thrusters and 400m run. The time became AMRAP in 20 minutes. So this is how we now have a Vivien benchmark WOD at least at our house.

WOD “Vivien”
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.
Count total reps for each movement
– max pullups  (56)
– max pushups  (108)
– max thrusters 75lbs   (28)
– 400m run
SCORE: 192 total reps in 4 rounds

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