Times Square and the Torsonator

When I first heard about the torsonator I thought it was a bad joke to keep us off balance. It turns out to be quite a big deal especially in Australia and it does knock you off balance for a while… On my way to New York I decided to stop by my box to try out the workout made up with this cool new gear… Good thing that double unders were also on the menu..

Strength & Assistance Work
Squat 3×5 [235]
Ring Dips
Team Workout!
3 rounds of 1 minute at each station:
– Torsonator (25/15)
– Wallballs (20/14)
– Double Unders
Rest 1 minute between rounds.
[My Score: 180 reps]
– 1-mile hill run (Broomile)
Double Under Challenge
– standing at 1,350 of 10,000

The always crazy busy Times Square as I got here


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