There are not enough songs written about jet lags. At least none that you can work out to… Without belaboring the point, “constantly varied” prescription for CrossFit now includes plenty of “no idea what time it is, really” type of intervals. Today it was synchronized to the corporate gym’s speakers blasting out loops of “Titanium”.
Off to Orlando tomorrow which will be great weather for some longer runs. I will steer clear of the alligators… This week continues with the CMC race preparations and some fun extended endurance WODs. Weather forecast is clear for raceday so far. No mud would sure be good…
Race Week Prep – Day 2
Warmup: CMC PIT
90 seconds each with 30 sec break:
– thrusters 75 lbs
– kettlebell swings 45 lbs
– box jumps
– burpees
[ SCORE: 114 ]
Mock  Race
10 rounds for time:
– 100m run
– 10 pushups
– 10 bar dips
– 10 deadhang pullups
[TIME: 23:01]