CrossFit Life Lesson 17 – Go Back to the Basics

Some of the lessons from the Olympic Lifting certification finally started to sink in. Coach Burgener’s instructions point way beyond lifting and help us get back to the basics in other aspects of our training and maybe our life.

When dealing with the highly complex lifts, the trainers remind us that ‘if you can jump you can snatch’, which is to say – ‘you can do it unless you are making this harder than it really is’. This is true of a lot of new beginnings and learnings. We should all get back to the basics. If the complete lift is too complicated, they encourage us to go back to the parts of the lift and start again from ‘high hang position’. It helps us return to Square One. There are so many situations in life when just taking a deep breath and going back to simple steps could solve more problems and avoid the pain…

In relationships going back to the basics might be just listening. Or when we get stuck with a big problem, we should ask ourselves: ‘what am I really trying to accomplish here? what is my outcome?”. Many times making the challenge smaller helps too; like snowboarding this weekend I didn’t need to worry about coming down a mile of icy moguls on the mountain, only remembering the basics of turning left and right…

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