Island Fever, Burpees and Fitness Ratios

It is time to head back to the mainland… At dawn I went back to Crossfit Upcountry to complete my 12.1 Open WOD. Afterwards on the beach I thought about fun fitness ratios in resorts like this like:
1) People in the bar at 5pm / people in the gym at 5pm (about 50:1)
2) Grand Wailea restaurant menu total food items / paleo items  (about 40:1)
3) People in Starbucks / people at Crossfit Gym at 7am (est. 7:1)

That’s about all the “science” I could muster on the beach today…

WOD – CrossFit Open 12.1
7 Minutes AMRAP – Burpees
Score: 73

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