Not that Crossfitters are known to slack off much, but this weekend I worked out with a particularly tough group. The coaches kept correcting the movements (“lock the arms out”, “full hip extension” or “that’s no rep”) even when other gyms would have been more lenient after the 100th kettlebell swing or 80th burpee.
While my first reaction was not fit to print, I later realized how important “tough love” is in training or in life. Our best teachers, bosses and coaches all had the wisdom and persistence to push us and prevent us from taking an easier route to mediocrity. To quote another coach when I told him “I tried everything” he said, “not until you’ve done one more rep”.
Beyond the macho image of that statement – it is the pure essence of performing at our best. Raising our standards at its core may just mean adopting this belief: “I can always do one more”. I can make that extra call to a client, I can put in an extra hour to help a friend and I can try one more time to solve a problem.
We can all push for that extra step and watch the magic unfold in our work, training, relationships and confidence. The cumulative effect of those extra steps in all areas of our lives will be the incredible results that others will dismiss as “luck”.