Compression Clothing

In the early months of CrossFit I could count on one thing for sure – sore muscles. Every day. Over time muscle stiffness will slightly diminish with improved general fitness and better stretching, recovery and nutrition.

Being better dressed helps too… Through trial and error I discovered compression clothing. Initially I needed protection for my legs from the rope burns and my arms from the fatigue of lifting days. The more I learned about compression I realized what an amazing imrpovement they bring to sports performance and recovery. I can do more reps, have less soreness and recover much faster when I wear them. Period.

As a frequent traveler I’m trying them on my next trip to China (wearing the compression pants and shirts under my normal clothes.

There are many firms our there with the big ones from Australia for some unknown reason. The ones I tried are Skins, Nike and 2XU. There are many other choices of course.

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